Monday, February 4, 2008

Race is Over for a Legend found in Time for Kids

In February of 2001 49 yeear old Dale Earnhardt died during a Daytona 500 Nascar race. He was considered the best car driver ever. He was the fourth driver to die in a year. Dale Earnhard did not wear head gear because he felt it was uncomfortable. They also noticed that his seatbelt was broken. I believe that racing can be a dangerous sport.


Teacher A said...

Wow, that is a powerful message. I bet race car drivers have been wearing head gear ever since his death. Would like to be in a race one day? You did a great job of summarizing details from the article.

Ms. Sowin said...

Hi Jonathan,

I was also really impressed with your article summary that also gave your opinion and many can learn from. It is a shame that Dale Earnhard and others died from car accidents, but I am sure others will now be more careful to wear their seatbelts and helmets. Do you know of other sports that have similar situations?